Sunday, December 10, 2017

Media Portrayal of The Source Family

It has been difficult to find media depictions of the Source Family. Of those that I have found, many have been influenced by people who to this day believe in the movement. However, the documentary titled after the group, The Source Family, was produced by an outside party and presents an unbiased look at the group. This movie was a combination of original films taken by the family’s archivist and a series of interviews with still living members of the family.

I found this movie enlightening, particularly the implication of the existence of this original footage. Many new religious movements have written and oral accounts of the experiences of their members, but Father Yod was determined to exceed this. Isis Aquarian was given the role of family archivist very shortly after the formation of the Source Family. In this role, over the course of years, Isis recorded the happenings of the family -- to such a degree that there exists recordings of the events leading up to his death. From this initial, thorough, and extreme documentation, it is clear to see his absolute belief in himself and his teachings.


The Source: The Untold Story of Father Yod, YaHoWha 13, and The Source Family (2007) by Isis Aquarian, Electricity Aquarian and Erik Davis

The Source Family (2012) a Process Media documentary

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